<div1 type="part"> <pb/> <head>LETTERS.</head> <div2 type="letter"> <head>TO MRS. H. LINCOLN.<ref target="n1"><sup>1</sup></ref> <note id="n1" place="foot"><ns><sup>1</sup></ns><p>For this letter I have to acknowledge myself indebted to <lb/> the kindness of Miss E. S. Quincy, a grand-niece of the lady <lb/> to whom it was addressed. After the death of Dr. Lincoln <lb/> she was married to Ebenezer Storer, Esq., of Boston, and died <lb/> only a few years ago.</p></note> </head> <opener> <dateline> <name type="place">Weymouth</name>, <date value="1761-10-05">5 October, 1761.</date> </dateline> <salute>MY DEAR FRIEND,</salute> </opener> <p><smcap>Does</smcap> not my friend think me a stupid girl, when <lb/> she has kindly offered to correspond with me, that <lb/> I should be so senseless as not to accept the offer? <lb/> <!-- etc. --> <p>I can say, in the length of this epistle, I 've made <lb/> the golden rule mine. Pray, my friend, do not let it <lb/> be long before you write to your ever affectionate</p> <closer> <signed>A. S.</signed> <ps>P.S. My regards to your good man. I've no <lb/> acquaintance with him, but if you love him, I do, <lb/> and should be glad to see him.</ps> </closer> </div2> <!-- other letters --> </div1>